Sunday 24 April 2011

Easter Sunday Message from our Parish Priest

Alleluia, Christ the Lord is risen indeed! Our Redeemer Liveth! 

“If Christ has not been raised then our preaching is useless and your believing is useless” ( 1 Cor. 15:14). 

At the beginning of the Holy Week, I sent out a message to you, encouraging you to celebrate the Holy Week in preparation for the Resurrection of our Saviour with hearts and minds that are worthy of the love Christ showed us in his sufferings and death. With the responses I received, I am glad that many of us paid attention to the message and I believe acted upon it.

Based on this I am so glad that our Church has greatly been renewed within this period, and I pray that the grace and the fruit of this season will abide with us forever.

The hallmark of the resurrection of Christ is VICTORY. Triumph over evil. Setting us free from the captivity of devil, St. Paul puts it more aptly “You were dead. You were in sin and uncircumcised at the same time. But God gave you life with Christ. He forgave all our sins. He cancelled the record of our debts, those regulations which accused us. He did away with all that and nailed to the cross. Victorious through the cross, he stripped the rulers and authorities of their power, humbled them before the eyes of the whole world and dragged them behind him as prisoners” (Col.2:13-15). 

Our actions henceforth should be perceived as sweet fragrance exhibiting love, charity and hope here in Burry Port, Kidwelly and in anywhere we find ourselves.

I want to seize this opportunity to thank you so much for the love and affection shown me on my 40th birthday, Thanks for the gifts and the cards, they are simply gorgeous. Thanks and God bless. Happy Easter to you all.

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